Peyronie’s disease success stories
Through this blog, we have helped many men get rid of their penile curvature or Peyronie’s disease. Many of them have shared their Peyronie’s disease success stories with us.
In this article, you will get to know about the success story of me and many other readers who have shared their successful Peyronie disease treatment.
Most people have told us to keep their name secret as they feel it may be embarrassing. so we won’t be revealing their names but we assure you that their story remains unchanged.
My own story of treating Peyronie’s disease

Although many of our readers are mostly aware of my story of how I got rid of my Peyronies five years ago. But here’s the complete version of it
So, it was five years ago when I first time noticed a small fibrous plaque on my penis. it was not severe, and it was causing any pain or symptoms of Peyronie’s disease.
At this point in my life, I wasn’t aware of Peyronie’s disease. even I was thinking that curvature is normal. in fact, I used to consider it as a sign of a big penis.
However, after around one and a half months my fibrous plaque was significantly grown and my penis started to curve.
The very first thing I did after this was searching this issue on the internet. and there I found out about Peyronie’s disease.
After knowing the situation I tried many home remedies and exercises to control the progression. i mainly used 300mg of vitamin e daily along with penile traction exercise. it was working well for me and it did show me some positive effects but it started to reappear when i stopped vitamin e and penile exercise.
So here what i learned is you should complete any dosage or treatment until your disease is completely gone.
At this point, i was done with self-medication and i visited a nearby urologist who specialized in treating Peyronie’s disease. at the first visit, after a physical examination, he told me that there was nothing to worry about as the curvature was less than 30 degrees.
He told me that penile curvature with less than 30 degrees of curvature can be treated without any surgical intervention.
He recommended Verapamil injection therapy along with penile traction therapy. In total, I got 2 injections with 2 weeks of intervals and did penile traction therapy every day twice for ten minutes.
after about one month my scar tissue dissolved but the doctor recommended continuing penile exercise for the next month along with daily supplementation of 300mg of vitamin e and l acetylcarnitine for at least two months.
So, this was my Peyronie’s disease success story. the biggest learning from my experience is you should consult a urologist as soon as you notice any sign or start taking scar-dissolving supplements listed under the list of best supplements for Peyronie’s disease.
success stories from our members

Following are the various success stories from our beloved website members who have/are treating Peyronie’s disease.
“From past five months i have been affected with peyronie’s disease, i had trouble in getting full erection and it was affecting my sexual life which was depressing”
“i visited urologist, he suggested Xiaflex treatment. after around three injections therapy yes i can say there is significant decrease in penile scar tissue and curvature.”
“i have not yet fully recover but there is improvement in the erection and atleast i am getting back my sexual life.”
Matthew D. Mitchell (Lafarqeville, NY)
“I am 23 year old, i believe i injured my penis while having an agressive sexual intercourse with my lovely girlfriend. i remember i had pain in my penis for next two day.”
“fast forward to about two months i saw there is significant scar tissue formed on my penis. this was not sudden but it was growing slowly but i dont know why i kept ignoring.”
“so to figure out what it is i searched on google, where i found about peyronie’s disease. so i tried looking for online supplements which can help me in getting rid of this scar tissue.”
“i found out there is this scar tissue dissolving enzyme supplement for sale on amazon which i have been taking for two months now and already i got rid of 75% of scar tissue.”
“i have also used tens unit on my penis because i felt i might get erectile dysfunction. don’t know whether it had any role in my treatment.”
Louis C. Lowe (Des Plaines, IL)
“Hey there, my name is Chris i was severely affected with Peyronie’s disease. my curvature was more than 70 degree. you probably wondering why would i waited to get that worse.”
“I was shy about telling it anybody, but at this point i know was loosing my sexual arousal and erections. so decided to talk to an doctor online who asked me to visit his clinic for physical examination.”
“After physical examination he told me yes it is worse condition and suggested either i can go with some traction therapy which may decrease some curvature or you can opt for surgical procedure which is more effectively.”
“So at first we did traction therapy for almost two week but there was no improvement and i was anxious about so i decided to go with surgical operation.”
“after about two weeks from that i undervent a penile surgery which was very sucessfull. they have removed all the excessive scar and i believe it did work for me. my penis was enhanced and i was glad to see my erections getting back.”
Christopher C. Williams (Rush Center, KS)
“Hi there, my name is Charlie i am 43 year old married man. i had Peyronie’s disease when i was 34 years old. i almost spent moore than $4000 on various devices and supplements to get rid of my penile curvature. nothing helped me untill i met this website.”
“I won’t hype up this website but it was game changer they shared various research based article which helped me get an appropriate treatment options.”
“I had around 25 degrees of curvature, it was not bothering me but i knew that it could be troublesome if get worsen.”
“I used scar dissolving supplement along with this patented peyronie’s disease device which helped me to decrease the curvature and contorl its progression.”
Charlie Harris (Pittsburgh, PA)
“Hello, i am james, I had took a full course Xiaflex injections as recommended by my urologist. to be honest i was sceptical about it’s use but he made me talk to his another patient who was happen to be there. he told me about the the results he got.”
“i took four sessions consisting of two shots of xiaflex that were administered over the course of one week the one.”
“I had around 50-55 degree of curvature (told by urologist) after complete cycle i can see significant decrease in the curvature. now it is around 30-35 degree.”
“may be one or two more cycles will clear it off.”
James Wade
What are trustworthy treatment options for Peyronie’s disease?

As of now, Xiaflex is the only FDA-approved treatment option for Peyronie’s disease. however, there are many other treatment options that can be used in the early stages of Peyronie’s disease.
Treatment options that we recommend:
- Xiaflex injections
- Verapamil Injections1Injection therapy for Peyronie’s disease: pearls of wisdom
- Scar-dissolving supplements + Traction therapy
- Vitamin e supplementation
- Omega 3 Fatty Acid + CoQ10 + L-Acetyl Carnitine
- Tens Unit + Penile Exercises
- Shockwave therapy
Read – Celebrities with Peyronie’s disease
Frequently Asked Questions
Curvature less than 30 degrees is considered normal. at this stage of curvature, you don’t feel any discomfort or pain.
Yes, you can 100% treat Peyronie’s disease without any surgical intervention. there are various natural and herbal treatments available for treating PD without getting any side effects.
As per FDA, Xiaflex is the only approved treatment. but there are various other medications that can be used in the treatment.
It usually takes around three months to get rid of Peyronie’s disease but you might get quicker relief if you opt for a surgical procedure.
If Peyronie’s disease is left untreated it may get worsen curvature. you might lose penis size and may have erectile dysfunction.