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Low Dose Cialis for Peyronie’s Disease, Does it Work?

Low dose Cialis for Peyronie’s disease has been one of the modern-day questions asked by many of our readers. there have been various studies and articles published on this topic but none of them address the query scientifically.

In this article, we will review the use of Cialis in Peyronie’s disease taking into consideration of various scientific studies and research available on the internet.

a low dose of Cialis for Peyronie’s disease has been shown effective in some reviews while it has not shown any benefits at the same time there are studies suggesting it to be used in combination with shockwave therapy.

Before getting into our main topic ‘Low dose Cialis for Peyronie’s disease’ we would recommend you to see our other article – What medication cause Peyronie’s disease?


low dose cialis for peyronie's
low dose cialis for peyronie’s

Penile curvature, shortening of the penis, and erectile dysfunction are one of the common characteristics of Peyronie’s disease.

Peyronie’s has significant effects on quality of life, self-esteem, and depression associated with sexual life. people look at oral medication as a choice of treatment to get rid of it.

Low-dose Cialis (Tadalafil 2.5 mg or 5 mg) is one of the most commonly used oral medications followed by vitamin e.

its effectiveness has been controversial part but there are various studies and clinical research listed in the below article that has suggested the use of low-dose Cialis in combination with Xiaflex, Verapamil, Traction device, or Scar dissolving enzymes.

Non-surgical treatments including low-dose Cialis can allow patients to avoid the morbidities associated with surgical procedures if used in combination with any other proven medication.

What is Cialis?

What is Cialis?
What is Cialis?

Cialis is the brand name for the generic molecule Tadalafil, used in the treatment or management of erectile dysfunctions in men.

It works by increasing blood flow in the penis area. however, you are required to be sexually aroused after taking this pill to maximize its benefits.

Low Dose Cialis for Peyronie’s Disease, Does it Work?

low dose cialis for peyronie's
low dose cialis for peyronie’s

Peyronie’s disease is a non-cancerous condition characterized by thickened fibrous plaque formation on the penile area causing significant curvature.

The reason why still there is no reliable non-invasive treatment approach has not emerged is because as of today, with many studies conducted on PD, we are still not able to know the exact cause or pathophysiology of this disease.

Low Dose Cialis (tadalafil) is one of the most common oral medications used in the treatment of Peyronie’s disease.

Now, to answer your question “does a low dose of Cialis work for Peyronie’s disease?” we would say yes, it does work but it has to be combined with any other physical traction therapy like traction devices, straightening exercise, or use of scar dissolving supplements.

In other words, you can use one of the best supplements for Peyronies disease in combination with low-dose Cialis (5mg).

A study published in the International Journal of Andrology suggests a positive outcome of low-dose Cialis 5mg in combination with extracorporeal shock wave therapy. it improved the quality of life and erectile dysfunction associated with Peyronie’s disease.1Palmieri A, Imbimbo C, Creta M, Verze P, Fusco F, Mirone V. Tadalafil once daily and extracorporeal shock wave therapy in the management of patients with Peyronie’s disease and erectile dysfunction: results from a prospective randomized trial. Int J Androl. 2012 Apr;35(2):190-5. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2011.01226.x. Epub 2011 Nov 15. PMID: 22085227.

In another study published in the journal of sexual medicine, 65 men with Isolated septal scars were given 2.5 mg daily for a 6-month was associated with a 66% improvement in penile rigidity. it was also concluded that tadalafil (low dose Cialis) is safe and well tolerated.2Chung E, Deyoung L, Brock GB. The role of PDE5 inhibitors in penile septal scar remodeling: assessment of clinical and radiological outcomes. J Sex Med. 2011 May;8(5):1472-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2011.02217.x.

Tadalafil (Low Dose Cialis) is mainly approved and prescribed for erectile dysfunction. it does not have any direct role in Peyronie’s disease. however, most of the PD patients have erectile dysfunction where it can be a choice of the drug along with any other proven medication.

Low dose Cialis in the management of pain & curvature

In a study published in the Saudi urological association, a low dose of Tadalafil along with verapamil injection was shown improvement in pain, curvature, and fibrous plaque.3Dell’Atti L. Tadalafil once daily and intralesional verapamil injection: A new therapeutic direction in Peyronie’s disease. Urol Ann. 2015 Jul-Sep;7(3):345-9. doi: 10.4103/0974-7796.152048.

How to use low-dose Cialis in Peyronie’s?

From the above article, we have established the use of low-dose Cialis has its uses or benefits.

Our recommendation for using low-dose Cialis is that it should be used in the combinations such as:

  • Low dose-Cialis + Verapamil
  • Low-dose Cialis + Xiaflex
  • Low-dose Cialis + Vitamin e + L-Carnitine
  • Low-dose Cialis + Traction Device
  • Low-dose Cialis + Shockwave Therapy

Low-dose Cialis should be at least used for 12 to 24 weeks to see any significant benefits in the management of Peyronie’s disease.

Side effects of Cialis on Peyronie’s disease

Side effects of Cialis on Peyronie's disease
Side effects of Cialis on Peyronie’s disease

Like any other medication, Cialis (Tadalafil) also causes mild to moderate side effects. The most common side effect of Cialis in Peyronie’s disease is pain in the penis which is mainly associated with patients with more than 30 degrees of curvature.

other common side effects of Cialis:

  • Flushing,
  • Headache,
  • Muscle pain,
  • Nasal congestion,
  • Back pain,
  • Pain in extremities,
  • Dyspepsia.

If any of these side effects happen to you or bother you in life you should talk to your doctor immediately.

How to take low-dose Cialis for Peyronie’s disease?

It is advised to take lower doses like 2.5 mg or 5 mg of Cialis once a day in Peyronie’s disease.

Take the Cialis pill 30 minutes before sexual intercourse or before doing straightening exercises or any other therapy.

Although, Cialis is safe to be consumed still you should follow the following advice to use it more effectively and safely.

  • Do not take more than a single pill in a day.
  • Use it before having sexual intercourse or before doing traction or shockwave therapy.
  • Do not take this medication if you are taking nitrates, commonly prescribed medication for angina or heart attacks.
  • Avoid taking alcohol while using Cialis as it may cause severe side effects like headache & sleepiness.
  • Do not drive a vehicle or operate any heavy machinery after taking the Cialis pill.


Oral therapies including low-dose Cialis have a very limited role in the treatment of Peyronie’s disease due to a lack of evidence and their direct involvement in the treatment.

Despite the fact, oral therapies can not be used as a monotherapy they still are a well-established role as a secondary medication or as a combination therapy.

Low-dose Cialis can be used in the treatment dosage of 2.5 mg or 5mg for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease. at this dosage, it effectively improves erectile dysfunction associated with Peyronie’s disease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Low Dose Cialis for Peyronie’s Disease, Does it Work?

As per various research and clinical studies, it is now well established that low-dose Cialis has an effective role in treating erectile dysfunction and improving penile curvature associated with Peyronie’s disease.

Can you take Cialis if you have Peyronie’s disease?

Yes, you can take Cialis in Peyronie’s disease if you have curvature below 30 to 50 degrees. above this curvature, you can use it to get a full erection which is required in many therapies including shockwave therapy, penile traction therapy, or getting an injection.

What is the active ingredient of Cialis?

Cialis contains various strengths of Tadalafil which is widely used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Can I use low-dose Cialis for Peyronie’s disease?

Yes, you can use 2.5mg or 5mg of Cialis in combination with Traction therapy, shockwave therapy, xiaflex, or verapamil injections.

Can Cialis cause Peyronie’s disease?

No, Cialis does not cause Peyronie’s disease. in fact, it helps in their management. however, there are some medications that can cause Peyronie’s disease. read here – what medications cause Peyronie’s disease?

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