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Does Shock Wave Therapy work for Peyronie's Disease

Does Shock Wave Therapy work for Peyronie’s Disease?

Does Shock Wave Therapy work for Peyronie’s Disease? is one of the most asked queries on our website. This article explores the benefits and risks associated with the use of Does Shock Wave Therapy for Peyronie’s disease.

What is Shock Wave Therapy?

What is Shock Wave Therapy?
What is Shock Wave Therapy?

Shock Wave Therapy is a non-invasive medical treatment that uses acoustic pressure waves to treat various conditions. The procedure involves using a particular device that emits high-energy sound waves to the area of the body being treated.

These sound waves penetrate deeply into the tissue and stimulate blood circulation, which helps promote healing. The treatment is most commonly used to treat musculoskeletal disorders such as plantar fasciitis, tendinitis, and myofascial pain syndromes.

It can also treat certain types of chronic pain and Peyronie’s disease. The therapy is largely considered safe and effective and has been used in medical settings for decades.

Does Shock Wave Therapy work for Peyronie’s Disease?

Shock wave therapy has become an increasingly popular treatment for Peyronie’s Disease, where the penis becomes curved due to plaque buildup.

Research has shown that shock wave therapy can effectively reduce pain and improve the curvature of the penis. In one study, 80% of patients who underwent shock wave therapy reported decreased pain and a significant improvement in the curvature of the penis.

Another study found that shock wave therapy improved sexual function in men with Peyronie’s Disease. While more research is needed, shock wave therapy is an effective treatment for Peyronie’s Disease and can help improve pain and sexual function.1Pro: does shockwave therapy have a place in the treatment of Peyronie’s disease?

Pros & Cons of Shock Wave Therapy


  • Improved ability to achieve and maintain erections
  • Reduced pain
  • Improved quality of life
  • Non-invasive


  • May damage the penile tissue
  • Bruising or swelling
  • Minor bleeding
  • Costly

How does Shock Wave Therapy works?

Shock Wave Therapy (SWT) is a non-invasive treatment for Peyronie’s Disease. It uses acoustic waves to stimulate the tissue and increase blood flow. This helps reduce pain and improve penile curvature caused by the disease.

The treatment is usually administered in a series of sessions, each taking 15-20 minutes. During the treatment, the shock waves are aimed at the affected area to break down the plaque and stimulate new tissue growth.

SWT is a safe and effective way to treat Peyronie’s Disease, and many men have seen positive results. The treatment results can be seen within a few weeks, and full results can be seen after three or four months.

It is believed that the shock waves also help to release hormones that reduce inflammation and reduce pain.


Shock wave therapy appears to be a promising treatment for Peyronie’s Disease. While more research is needed to determine shock wave therapy’s long-term safety and efficacy, the initial studies have been promising.

Shock wave therapy appears to reduce pain, improve erectile function, and reduce the curvature of the penis in men with Peyronie’s Disease. It is a non-invasive procedure with minimal side effects. However, it is essential to remember that shock wave therapy is not suitable for everyone, and it is essential to consult with a medical professional before pursuing this treatment option.

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