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Do Traction devices work for Peyronie's Disease

Do Traction devices work for Peyronie’s Disease?

If you suffer from Peyronie’s Disease, you may have heard of traction devices as a possible treatment option. Traction devices have been used to help erectile dysfunction for many years, so it’s only natural to wonder if the same treatment could work for Peyronie’s Disease.

In this article, we’ll discuss the effectiveness of traction devices for treating Peyronie’s Disease, the associated risks, and other options that may be more suitable.

What are Traction devices?

What are Traction devices
What are Traction devices

Traction devices are often recommended for treating Peyronie’s Disease, where the penis becomes curved and painful due to scar tissue buildup.

Several studies have shown that traction devices can help reduce the curvature of the penis and improve the symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease.
The devices work by gently stretching the penis over time, which helps break down the scar tissue and encourages new tissue growth.

Do Traction devices work for Peyronie’s Disease?

Do Traction devices work for Peyronie's Disease?
Do Traction devices work for Peyronie’s Disease?

Traction devices have been used for years to treat Peyronie’s disease, where fibrous scar tissue forms in the penis, often leading to pain and difficulty with erections.

Traction devices work by applying a gentle stretching force to the penis, which helps to break up and reduce the fibrous scar tissue. Studies have shown that using a traction device can be an effective treatment for Peyronie’s disease; in some cases, it can even significantly improve penis length and curvature.

However, it is important to note that traction devices are not the only treatment option for Peyronie’s disease. Surgery and medications are also available and may be more appropriate for specific individuals.

Ultimately, the best course of treatment will depend on the severity of the disease, so it’s important to speak to your doctor about all of your options.

Should you use Traction device for Peyronie’s disease?

If you suffer from Peyronie’s disease, you may wonder if a traction device is an effective treatment option. The answer is that it can be an effective treatment in some cases.

Traction devices stretch the penis in a controlled manner over time to help reduce the curvature caused by Peyronie’s disease. This can improve the appearance and function of the penis, and in some cases, it can help reduce pain.

However, not all traction devices are created equal, and speaking to your doctor before choosing a device is important. They can help you find one that is both effective and safe for your condition.

Best Traction device for Peyronie’s disease

Sizegenetics – Penile Traction Device

Best Traction device for Peyronie's disease
  • Sizegenetics is a penile traction device used to treat Peyronie’s disease, which causes curved or bent erections. The device works by gently stretching the penis over some time to straighten the curvature.
  • It has been clinically proven effective in treating Peyronie’s disease and has been used by thousands of men with successful results.
  • The device is easy to use and comfortable to wear, and it is typically worn for a few hours each day over several months. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and use the device consistently to achieve the best results.
  • For those looking for an effective treatment for Peyronie’s disease, Sizegenetics is an excellent option.


  • Non-surgical treatment option
  • Can be used safely at home
  • Can help improve sexual performance
  • Can help prevent the need for surgery in some cases


  • Can be uncomfortable to use
  • Requires regular use for best results
  • Can be costly for some people
  • Results vary from person to person


In conclusion, traction devices may be effective in treating Peyronie’s Disease, but there is still insufficient evidence to make a definite statement.

While traction devices can help reduce inflammation and pain associated with the condition, they may not successfully treat the underlying cause.

Therefore, it is important to discuss the risks and benefits of treatment with a qualified healthcare professional before attempting to use a traction device. Ultimately, the decision to use a traction device should be based on an individual’s medical needs and preferences.

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