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Does Peyronie's disease affect size

Does Peyronie’s disease affect size? here’s all you need to know

Peyronie’s disease affects about 1 out of every 10 men and is more common than most people think. It can cause pain, deformity and reductions in the size. This article will look at the query “Does Peyronie’s disease affect size” so that you can better understand them and determine what is best for you.

Does Peyronie’s disease affect size? here’s all you need to know

Does Peyronie's disease affect size
Does Peyronie’s disease affect size

Peyronie’s disease is a condition that affects the erectile tissue of the penis. It can cause scarring and shrinkage of this tissue, which makes it harder for blood vessels to flow into the penis and for arousal to occur naturally. As a result, men with Peyronie’s disease may experience difficulty achieving an erection or maintaining one once it has occurred. Many people think this is a decrease in the size.

1) Not everyone with Peyronie’s has small penises. Many men with this condition have normal-size (or even large!) penises that look crooked when erect because their bodies are slightly off-balance due to scarring/swelling in their penile tissue (including nerves).

2) Sometimes, men will complain about having small penises, but upon examination, they were born with normal-sized ones! This happens when there is less blood flow through arteries leading into the penis during arousal, which makes it harder for your girlfriend to feel anything so that she may say that

How Does Peyronie’s disease affect size?

How Does Peyronie's disease affect size
How Does Peyronie’s disease affect size

Peyronie’s disease is a buildup of plaque underneath the skin on your penis. But in rare cases, plaque is formed at the shaft of your penis resulting in scar tissue forming around the base of your erectile organ, leading to restriction and decreased blood flow throughout penile tissues.

An unhealthy lifestyle – Smoking or drinking too much alcohol increases your chances of getting this condition by up to five times!

Role of genetics in the size

The size of a man’s penis is largely determined by genetics and is usually not affected by any external factors. This means that diet, exercise, and other lifestyle choices have little to no effect on a man’s penis size.

It is also important to note that the size of a man’s penis can vary greatly from person to person, and there is no “average” size that all men should strive for. Men should be comfortable with the size of their penis and focus on other aspects of their health and well-being.


Yes. The short answer is yes, Peyronie’s disease can affect size and sexual performance. But many other factors can cause a penis to shrink, such as smoking, weight gain or getting old.

As you age, your penis may shrink due to normal aging processes. But if you have Peyronie’s disease, this process may occur more quickly than usual.

This means that when it comes to your question about whether Peyronie’s disease affects the size, you need to understand that Peyronie’s disease and other conditions might cause your condition.

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