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Flaxseed oil for Peyronie's disease

Flaxseed Oil for Peyronie’s Disease – Does it Work?

Peyronie’s disease is a condition that affects many men and can cause pain, erectile dysfunction, and a curved or bent penis. There is no known cure for this condition, so research has been directed toward treatment options. One possible solution is flaxseed oil, which has demonstrated anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may benefit men with Peyronie’s disease.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of flaxseed oil for men with Peyronie’s disease and provide some tips for incorporating it into your lifestyle.

Flaxseed Oil for Peyronie’s Disease

Flaxseed Oil for Peyronie's Disease
Flaxseed Oil for Peyronie’s Disease

Flaxseed oil has been used for many years to treat various health conditions, including Peyronie’s Disease. This condition is caused by the buildup of scar tissue in the penis, causing it to bend or curve during an erection.

Studies have shown that taking flaxseed oil orally and applying it topically to the penis can reduce symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease. Flaxseed oil contains essential fatty acids and lignans, which may help reduce inflammation and improve circulation in the affected area.

In addition, flaxseed oil may help to reduce plaque buildup in the penis, which can cause pain and decrease sexual function.

While more studies are needed to confirm the effectiveness of flaxseed oil for Peyronie’s Disease, it is worth considering as an alternative treatment option.1Topical treatment for acute phase Peyronie’s disease utilizing a new gel, H-100: A randomized, prospective, placebo-controlled pilot study

Does Flaxseed Oil works for Peyronie’s disease?

Flaxseed oil is often touted as a natural remedy for various health conditions, including Peyronie’s Disease. While scientific research on the effectiveness of flaxseed oil for Peyronie’s Disease is still in its early stages, some studies have shown promise.

In one study, men with Peyronie’s Disease who took 2 g of flaxseed oil capsules daily for 6 months reported significant improvements in pain, curvature, and penile shortening.

However, it is essential to note that this study was small and that more research is needed before any conclusions can be drawn.

Furthermore, it is essential to consult with a medical professional before taking any supplements, as they can interact with medications or have other side effects.

Best Flaxseed Oil for Peyronie’s disease

NOW Supplements, Certified Organic Flax Seed Oil Liquid

Best Flaxseed Oil for Peyronie's Disease
  • NOW Supplements, Certified Organic Flax Seed Oil Liquid, Cold-Pressed and Unrefined, 24-Ounce is an excellent option for those looking for a natural remedy for Peyronie’s Disease.
  • This oil is made from cold-pressed, unrefined flax seeds, making it a pure and natural source of essential fatty acids that help to reduce inflammation and improve circulation.
  • Additionally, flax seed oil has been shown to help improve sexual function and reduce the symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease.
  • It is also rich in antioxidants, which can help protect against free radicals and reduce disease risk.
  • NOW Supplements, Certified Organic Flax Seed Oil Liquid is an excellent choice for those looking for a natural approach to treating Peyronie’s Disease.


  • NOW Supplements, Certified Organic Flax Seed Oil Liquid is cold-pressed and unrefined, giving you the purest form of flax seed oil.
  • It is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, essential for maintaining a healthy balance in the body.
  • It is beneficial for people with Peyronie’s disease, as it can help reduce inflammation and improve circulation in the penis.
  • It can also help with cholesterol levels, another benefit for men with Peyronie’s disease.


  • It is unsuitable for vegans or vegetarians, as it contains fish oil.
  • It may also cause digestive upset in some people if taken in large doses.
  • It is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • It should not be taken with other medications, as it can affect their effectiveness.

How to use Flaxseed Oil for Peyronie’s disease?

Peyronie’s disease is a condition that affects the penis, causing it to become curved or bent. Fortunately, several natural remedies, including flaxseed oil, can help treat this condition.

Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are thought to reduce inflammation and improve circulation. Take two to three tablespoons daily to use flaxseed oil for Peyronie’s disease. You can take it directly or mix it into smoothies or salads.

Additionally, you can apply the flaxseed oil directly to the affected area. Massage the oil into the skin for several minutes, then leave it on for an hour before rinsing it off.

Flaxseed oil can also be taken in supplement form if desired. By using flaxseed oil as part of your daily routine, you can help reduce the symptoms of Peyronie’s disease and improve the health of your penis.

Are there any Side Effects of Flaxseed Oil?

Flaxseed oil is a popular supplement due to its high content of essential fatty acids. Still, like any supplement, it is crucial to consider the potential side effects before taking it.

Generally speaking, most people tolerate flaxseed oil well, and no significant side effects are associated with its use. However, some people may experience minor side effects such as stomach discomfort, nausea, or diarrhoea.

It is also important to note that flaxseed oil can interfere with certain medications. Hence, you must speak with your doctor before taking flaxseed oil if you are currently taking any medications.

In general, flaxseed oil is safe to take in moderate amounts, but if you experience any side effects, it is best to stop and speak with your doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about using flaxseed oil for Peyronie’s disease:

Does flaxseed oil work for Peyronie’s disease?

Studies have shown that flaxseed oil may effectively reduce the symptoms of Peyronie’s disease, including pain, curvature, and erectile dysfunction.

How do I use flaxseed oil for Peyronie’s disease?

Flaxseed oil should be applied twice daily to the affected area. It is best to massage the oil into the penis for maximum absorption.

How long does it take for flaxseed oil to work?

Results vary from person to person, but most people experience some improvement after two to three weeks of regular use.

What are the benefits of flaxseed oil for Peyronie’s disease?

Flaxseed oil is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which may help reduce inflammation associated with Peyronie’s disease and improve blood flow to the penis. It may also help reduce the risk of developing other symptoms, such as pain and erection problems.

How do I take flaxseed oil for Peyronie’s disease?

The best way to take flaxseed oil for Peyronie’s disease is to take 1-2 tablespoons daily. You can take it by itself or mix it into food or a smoothie. It would help if you also talked to your doctor before taking flaxseed oil to ensure it is safe.

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