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VED Device Peyronie's Disease

VED Device For Peyronie’s Disease – Do they work?

The VED Device is a non-invasive device that can help men with Peyronie’s Disease to improve their quality of life.

This article will provide information about how VED devices can be helpful for men with Peyronie’s Disease and the advantages of using these devices.

What is VED Device for Peyronie’s disease?

What is VED Device for Peyronie's disease?
What is VED Device for Peyronie’s disease?

VED, or Vacuum Erection Device, is a treatment option for Peyronie’s disease that involves using a vacuum device to help achieve an erection.

This device creates a vacuum around the penis, which causes blood to flow into the penis and make an erection. The device is usually combined with other treatments, such as oral medications and injections.

It is generally considered safe and effective for treating Peyronie’s disease, though side effects may include pain, bruising, or numbness. VED can treat mild to moderate cases of Peyronie’s disease, though it may not be effective for more severe cases.

Does VED Device for Peyronie’s disease Works?

Does VED Device for Peyronie's disease Works?
Does VED Device for Peyronie’s disease Works?

A VED device is a relatively new treatment option for Peyronie’s disease, which causes penile curvature due to scar tissue. The VED device works by applying a vacuum to the penis, which helps to break down the scar tissue and reduce the curvature.

Studies have shown that the VED device can effectively treat Peyronie’s disease. In one study, men with Peyronie’s disease who used the VED device for at least one month showed an average penile curvature reduction of 48%.1MacDonald LP, Armstrong ML, Lehmann KJ, Acker MR, Langille GM. Outcome analysis of patients with Peyronie’s disease who elect for vacuum erection device therapy. Can Urol Assoc J. 2020;14(9):E428-E431. doi:10.5489/cuaj.6205

Other studies have also found that the VED device is a safe and effective treatment option for Peyronie’s disease. However, it is essential to note that the VED device is not a cure for Peyronie’s disease, and in some cases, other treatment or surgery may be necessary.

VED Device for Peyronie’s disease Works by:

  • When the penis is erect, the VED device applies pressure to the affected area, which helps to break up the scar tissue and relieve some of the symptoms of Peyronie’s disease.
  • This device creates vacuum pressure to stretch the penis to reduce the curvature and improve the patient’s quality of life.
  • It increases blood flow and encourages collagen production. This can help to reduce the size and severity of the curvature, as well as increase the size and strength of the penis.

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Should I use the VED Device for Peyronie’s disease?

Should I use the VED Device for Peyronie’s disease?
Should I use the VED Device for Peyronie’s disease?

For those with Peyronie’s disease, the VED (vacuum erection device) has been touted as a potential treatment option. But before deciding to use the VED device, it’s essential to understand the potential risks and benefits involved.

On the plus side, the VED device can reduce curvature and improve the strength of erections in many men with Peyronie’s disease. On the downside, it may cause some discomfort, and there is no guarantee that it will be effective for everyone.

In addition, VED devices should not be used with severe Peyronie’s disease, so it’s essential to consult your doctor to ensure it is safe.

Whether or not you decide to use the VED device for Peyronie’s disease is a personal decision that should be made in consultation with your doctor.

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Best VED devices available for Peyronie’s disease

The Gesiva Automatic Penis Vacuum Therapy System Kit is one of the best VED (vacuum erection devices) for treating Peyronie’s disease. The system is designed to be used with a vacuum pump, which creates a vacuum around the penis, causing it to expand and become erect.

If you’re looking for a VED device to help treat Peyronie’s disease, the Gesiva Automatic Penis Vacuum Therapy System Kit is an excellent option.

Gesiva Automatic Penis Vacuum Therapy System Kit

Best VED devices available for Peyronie’s disease
  • The Gesiva Automatic Penis Vacuum Therapy System Kit is a revolutionary device designed to help men with erectile dysfunction with Peyronie’s disease.
  • This device uses vacuum technology to help achieve and maintain an erection. It is a non-invasive, drug-free solution that draws blood into the penis to create an erection.
  • The kit includes a manual pump, a control unit, and several other accessories to help with the therapy. It is easy to use and can be used in the privacy of your own home.
  • The Gesiva Automatic Penis Vacuum Therapy System Kit is an innovative solution for those seeking a safe and effective treatment of erectile dysfunction along with Peyronie’s disease.


  • it is non-invasive,
  • it is relatively inexpensive,
  • it can provide long-term relief with regular use.


  • it can be uncomfortable or even painful,
  • it can cause irritation or bruising,
  • it can take several weeks before results become apparent.

Ultimately, whether or not the VED Device is suitable for you depends on your circumstances and the severity of your Peyronie’s disease.

What you need to know?

Vacuum erection devices (VEDs) are a popular treatment for male impotence or erectile dysfunction. They are also used to treat Peyronie’s disease, which causes abnormal curvature of the penis. In this case, the VED works by providing pressure to the penis to help straighten it out.

When using a VED, it is essential to follow instructions carefully to ensure safe and effective use. It is also important to be aware of potential side effects, such as bruising or pain in the penis.

It is also recommended to consult a doctor before using a VED, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.

Final Thoughts

Vacuum erection devices (VEDs) and Peyronie’s disease have been studied extensively, but further research is needed to understand these treatments’ efficacy better.

Overall, VEDs can effectively treat male impotence and Peyronie’s disease. While they should be used carefully and in consultation with a doctor, they can provide relief and improved sexual function for those affected by these conditions.

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